
How to Stick to a Fitness and Running Goal

How to Stick to a Fitness and Running Goal
Feeling motivated is easy; keeping and staying motivated is much more complex. We get a boost from setting new goals, planning to implement new routines, and getting to start over fresh sometimes. After the momentum passes, many of us struggle to continue working toward our original goals.
We'd love to share some of our expert tips to stick to fitness and running goals when the motivation wanes.

Small, Attainable Goals

If you want to make significant shifts in your fitness, it's tempting to set lofty goals. While you can keep those big goals in your mind, starting with smaller, more manageable goals is essential. When planning your fitness goals for the year, aim small and be realistic. For example, set the purpose of exercising twice weekly, and then you can adjust that goal upward for February.
Focus on the first quarter or first month of whenever you begin and start small. This is vital for setting you up for long-term success.
Also, when setting goals, think about what you enjoy doing. Most people have heard the adage that "the best exercise is the exercise that you'll do." This saying is a cliche for a good reason, and you should keep it in mind when setting goals. Don't set fitness goals based on the type of exercise you think you should be doing. Instead, focus on what you enjoy doing. This will make it much more likely that you'll stick with it and achieve your goals.

Clear and Easy to Follow Plan

Once your goals are set, develop a specific plan for how you'll meet your goals. For example, if your fitness goal is to exercise 2 times a week, have a plan for when that will happen. This should include the time of day you'll exercise, what you'll do, where you'll do it, and how long you'll do it.
It can help to go further by actively planning for scheduled workouts. For example, if you plan to exercise when you get home from work, have your clothes laid out and ready to go. Or, if your goal is a 3-mile run in your neighborhood, plan the route the day before. The more specific, scheduled and prepared you can be, the more likely you'll complete your workouts.

Create and Find Accountability

The more you can share your goals with others, the more likely you will achieve them. Having a workout partner you meet for workouts or check in with after completing exercises is ideal.
If you don't have this partner or group, you can still find a way to create accountability. Find a family member, co-worker, or friend with whom you can share your fitness goals. The more you communicate your goals and make some accountability, the more you set yourself up for success.

Document Progress

One of the tricky things about fitness goals is that it can take time to see and feel the results of your hard work. It might take a few months to see physical changes, but that doesn't mean you're not making progress.
To stay motivated, it's helpful to document your progress. This can be by recording workouts, logging miles, documenting new physical accomplishments, or simply checking off activities completed. Research has shown that documenting your progress is a proven way to increase the likelihood of achieving your goals, so find some way to track your progress from day one.

Think Short-Term

When setting a purpose, like becoming healthier through working out and eating well, going full force into this resolution, especially when life already feels so unstable in the pandemic, will set anyone up for failure. Instead of abruptly going from waking up at 10 am, not working out, and eating junk foods to waking up at 5 am, doing a full hour of HIT workouts seven days a week, and only eating veggies, ease into it. Start by walking a few days a week, eating a salad for lunch, and recording what you do. Make goals for each habit. Then in a month or so, achieving the resolution will feel easier without considerable sacrifice.
Mini-goals can help you stay on track. Keeping up with daily workouts can be hard when goals seem too long-term or far away. Avoid that common pitfall by having mini-goals that you're working towards.

Make It Fun

The truth is, when something is fun, you are more likely to do it. From turning a walk into an eye spy game or taking your fur baby out for a trail walk to investing in new workout pants, shirts, and, you guessed it, socks with prints to inspire, it all has a lasting impact that will keep you on track. Fitness should never be something you dread; making fitness fun is a surefire way to accomplish any resolution, even in the unknown of 2021.

Include Self-Care in Your Plans

Don't forget to include some self-care plans when you make fitness goals. Allowing your body to rest and recover will lead to more success in your fitness goals and will improve your overall well-being.
Self-care days look different for all of us. For some people, it's a rest day; for others, it's a massage or meditation session. You know your body and what it needs to stay refreshed and healthy, so adjust your fitness plan to include some self-care days. Adding these to your routine will keep you mentally and physically fit and help you stay on track with your fitness goals.
While new fitness goals can be inspiring and exciting, they can also be hard to achieve. But, by being strategic about setting and working towards your goals, you can help set yourself up for success. It's not easy to stick to fitness goals, but when you do, you'll feel healthier and enjoy a sense of accomplishment for sticking with your resolutions. At Crazy Compression, we believe in you and are cheering you on. And we're here with all the fun gear you need to stay comfortable and motivated as you crush your goals!

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