
Compression Socks for Desk Work

Compression Socks for Desk Work

Prolonged sitting day after day can lead to serious health risks, including the risk of death caused by cardiovascular disease. But there are steps you can take to increase your circulatory health while decreasing the negative impact on your body caused by your desk job.

Why is a desk job bad for your heart?

When you sit for long periods of time, your blood circulation slows. As your blood flow slows down, fatty acid builds up in your blood vessels. A sedentary lifestyle can heap health issues on you quickly. Even if you are hitting the gym every day before the office, the extended hours you spend sitting can wreak havoc on your circulation and heart.

When you sit for long periods of time, gravity works against you. The blood that flows to your feet has a difficult time finding its way back up your leg and towards the heart. At the end of the day, your legs feel tired and your feet swell.

Poor circulation can lead to additional problems, such as edema, varicose and spider veins, and blood clots.  Edema in the feet and legs is caused by blood pooling. The veins simply need a little extra help or squeeze, to get the blood flowing back up towards the heart. When the veins cannot return the blood flow efficiently, the valves leak and put pressure on the vein walls. This can lead to painful varicose and spider veins. When the blood flow slows and the fatty acid begins to build up in the veins, blood clots can form.

Before you run out and quit your job or buy a treadmill desk, which isn’t a bad option, let’s talk about compression.

But I have to sit all day. What can I do?

Compression socks can help! These socks aren’t just for athletes. In fact, they were first created as a medical garment to help reduce leg swelling, prevent blood clots, and improve overall circulation. They were created for the exact problems that a desk job often creates. For people who stand or sit for long periods of time, compression can help give the muscles and the cardiovascular system the extra support it desperately needs.

When you wear compression socks, the garment gives your leg extra support, reduces swelling in the feet and ankles, increases circulation, and prevents end-of-the-day soreness.  Be sure to choose long socks (not running socks or calf sleeves) as well as the right size for comfort and affectability. The long socks are necessary for the graduated compression, helping to fight the effects of gravity by gently squeezing the blood upwards toward the heart.

These socks come in varying degrees of compression. Make sure you have enough but not too much. Crazy Compression socks should not replace prescribed medical compression socks, which have a higher graduated compression. Our socks run between 15-20 mmhg of TRUE graduated compression, which is great for extended periods of sitting, standing, or running.

In addition to wearing compression socks, find ways to move more throughout the day. Here are just a few examples of increasing your movement while working:

  1. Set an alarm that reminds you to stand up and walk or stretch every hour. There are a variety of apps that can be downloaded to your smartphone that will help you remember. Additionally, if you have a smartwatch, work on closing your activity rings every day, one of which is a standing ring.

  2. Sit up straight. While compression socks help with the circulation in your legs, a straight spine will help with the circulation throughout your entire body. If you are struggling with posture, spend some time focusing on your core strength. Yoga is a great way to accomplish this.

  3. Find an aerobic exercise you enjoy. An hour walk after dinner will do wonders for your health and will get your blood pumping.

  4. Track your steps. Set a goal and slowly work on increasing your daily count. The movement you take part in throughout the day is just as important as the time you spend at the gym. Working out for one hour and then sitting for 10 to 12 will work against your goals.

  5. Make your workspace healthier. Use a stability ball as a chair or transform your desk into a standing desk. Instead of sending emails or text messages to the person two cubicles over, get up and walk over to them.

  6. Create walking meetings. If you need to talk to a co-worker, instead of doing it over coffee in the conference room, take the meeting outside for a brisk walk.

    Compression socks are not to take the place of a regular exercise routine in any way. They simply aide the circulation process. Rather than sit at the desk and lose the valuable gains from your workouts, compression socks help keep the blood flowing and decrease inflammation. Our socks and sleeves use true graduated compression. Tightest around the feet and lower legs the compression decreases as it moves upward, pushing the blood back toward the heart, increasing circulation and stimulating your muscles. Remember, though, always follow the advice of your doctor.

    While a sedentary lifestyle can be oppressive to your health, compression helps your body continue to function as it should. Combine our compression socks with your increased movement throughout your day and a healthy diet to keep your heart pumping strong. After all, your health is a top priority!

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