
Workout Tips for Traveling Nurses

Workout Tips for Traveling Nurses

Travel nursing is lucrative and exciting, and it’s a great way to see new places and meet new people. Yet, despite the benefits, one of the major challenges for traveling nurses is staying fit and healthy while in a new place, away from normal routines. While it can be difficult, nurses must prioritize their health to ensure that they stay physically and mentally healthy. 

With that in mind, here are some tips from travel nurses on the best ways to get workouts in and stay fit even when you’re in a new place, working long hours. 

Find a Gym

Many people think that if they’re only in a location for a few weeks or months that it’s just not worth joining a gym. However, for individuals that are used to working out in gyms and enjoy the experience, this can quickly lead to falling behind on fitness and skipping workouts. 

The truth is finding a gym might be easier than you think. Several national chains offer gym locations around the country. If you can find one of those in your region, it can be easy and inexpensive to have gym access wherever you go. Additionally, some hospitals offer onsite workout facilities for staff, so it’s worth checking into that too. 

Take some time to do research when you get to a new location, and don’t be afraid to get a short-term gym membership. It’ll be worth it and will add some nice stability in a new place. 

Be a Tourist

Another great way to stay fit is to explore your new location on foot. This can mean walking to the grocery or, if possible, to work, but it can also mean acting like a tourist. Learn about popular areas, neighborhoods, or destinations, and then spend time exploring them on foot. 

Walking can be a great way to stay active, and it’s a great way to reduce stress. Plus, it will help you get to know your new location, helping you to get the most out of your time there. 

Create an At-Home Playlist of Workouts 

Some days after a long shift, all you want to do is go home. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t get a workout in. So, be prepared for these days with a few at-home workout options.

There are lots of free workouts available that don’t require any equipment, or if you prefer a guided class or workout, there are numerous free options available on YouTube, such as Yoga with Adrienne, Fitness Blender, and the Fitness Marshall. 

There are plenty of things you can do from home without equipment, but don’t wait until you’re tired and unmotivated to search for workouts. Instead, have a list or book of workouts ready to go. This will mean one less decision to make and one less thing that could keep you from completing a workout!

Take Up a Local Hobby

Lots of places have sports or activities that are particularly popular based on local amenities, for example, hiking, biking, skiing, or paddleboarding. Taking up these activities can be a great way to have fun while staying active. 

Pay attention to what locals are doing or ask coworkers about their favorite activities for days off to help get you started. It can be scary to try something new, but doing so can add to your travel experience while prioritizing your health. 

Take Care of Yourself!

Whatever types of fitness or activity you enjoy, it’s important to make sure that you stay active and healthy even when on the road. Keep in mind that even small actions - like taking the stairs, drinking more water, and eating more fruits and vegetables - can help with your overall well-being. 

And, small actions can ensure you get your workouts in. For instance, if you’re having trouble getting motivated, maybe some new workout gear is all you need to jump back into your exercise routine. Shop our best-selling compression socks to add some fun to your next workout and enjoy your adventures!

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