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Poor Circulation in Feet? What To Do.

Poor Circulation in Feet? What To Do.

Dealing with bad circulation? You’re not alone: poor circulation in feet is a common complaint. We share tips on how to feel better.

CompressionHow Long Can You Wear Compression Socks? Your Questions, Answered

How Long Can You Wear Compression Socks? Your Questions, Answered

Compression gear feels great, but how long can you wear compression socks safely? Our hosiery experts share the lowdown on all things compressive.

CompressionPros and Cons of Compression Socks vs. Compression Wraps

Pros and Cons of Compression Socks vs. Compression Wraps

You're probably familiar with compression socks already, not just because it's our favorite thing to do, talk about, and our favorite topic for sharing information. Compression socks are well-known...

CompressionHow Compression Socks are Used to Treat Lymphedema and Lipedema

How Compression Socks are Used to Treat Lymphedema and Lipedema

Many Americans have struggled with being misdiagnosed as simply 'obese' before finding the underlying cause of their inability to lose weight: lipedema or lymphedema. And while the names sound very...

CompressionCompression socks and Restless Leg Syndrome: How They Can Help

Compression socks and Restless Leg Syndrome: How They Can Help

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, restless leg syndrome can affect anywhere from 7 to 10 percent of the U.S. population. RLS (restless leg syndrome) occurs i...

CompressionHow to Recycle Your Compression Socks

How to Recycle Your Compression Socks

If you’ve recently finished a form of physical therapy involving the use and wear of compression socks and no longer have a practical use for them, or simply have an old pair that you intend on jus...