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Strengthening Joints: A How to

Strengthening Joints: A How to

Whether you're an athlete or a couch potato, your joints are essential for any movement. They can be anywhere that two bones meet and increase your range of motion, making the skeleton flexible. Ov...

FitnessLeg Exercises You Can Do from Your Chair

Leg Exercises You Can Do from Your Chair

Searching for an easy and practical approach to getting a fast workout? You can take measures to get fit from the comfort of your chair. With chair exercises, you can work nearly muscle in your bod...

WellnessFight Joint Pain with These Foods

Fight Joint Pain with These Foods

If you've been struggling with joint pain and aren't quite sure where to turn for relief, did you know that some foods can help? Beyond prescription medication or over-the-counter drugs, you can ta...

FitnessYoga or Pilates – Which Do You Prefer?

Yoga or Pilates – Which Do You Prefer?

While they share some similarities, yoga and Pilates vary greatly in origin, movement, and discipline, among many other factors. Both forms of exercise provide a wealth of health benefits that can ...

Compression SocksHealth Issues Caused by Desk Work

Health Issues Caused by Desk Work

Many people don't consider a desk job to be high risk, but if someone is sitting at a desk for hours every day, it can result in a slow-burning but chronic and lasting impact on their health. The n...

WellnessImprove Your Posture By Changing Poor Habits

Improve Your Posture By Changing Poor Habits

If you've been experiencing pain in your back or neck in certain positions, then there's a good chance that your posture is to blame. Sitting or standing with poor posture puts unnecessary strain o...