
Avoid Training Fatigue with These Tips

Avoid Training Fatigue with These Tips

Welcome to marathon season. If you’re a distance runner, you may be nearing the end of your training. How are you feeling? Worn down? Exhausted? You may be in the midst of training fatigue. 

The following are a few reasons why runner’s fatigue happens and tips on how to combat it.  

What is the weather like?

The summer of 2019 has gone down in the history books for multiple heat records broken. According to a report on NBC News, July 2019 is now ranked as the warmest month on record. Heat impacts your training, especially for long-distance marathons. If you’ve been training in the heat, your body requires extra recovery. If you are overly fatigued, it could be from heat-related stress or chronic dehydration. 

If your area is still suffering from a heatwave, here are 10 tips to train safely. If you are blessed with the coolness of fall, tuck this away for next year. Our world appears to only be getting hotter. Remember to always stay hydrated. Hydration begins long before the training session begins. 

What does your workout look like?

As you are training and nearing your final goal, it is tempting to increase your progression load. This can leave you feeling drained if you haven’t first taken the proper steps in your training.

If you’re already feeling drained, you can take additional steps to modify your workout. Start by scheduling rest days in your training, creating a system of gradual gains that allow your body time to heal and adapt. Your workouts should be tailored made for your body. While it is important to push to your limit to make gains, it is equally important to listen to your body. If your body is screaming “I’m tired, please stop,” then allow it to rest. 

How much sleep are you getting?

You want to apply the appropriate amount of stress to your body to make necessary gains. Applying too little or too much will not get you to where you want to be. If you are constantly exhausted or struggling to finish your training, then chances are that you’re pushing too hard. 

Instead of living with training fatigue, learn how to rest. When you are training for a marathon your body will naturally require more sleep. Take a mid-day nap. You’ve earned it! 

Are you using the right equipment?

Provide your body with the correct support to aid in and speed up recovery. Lightweight breathable clothing, easy to carry water, well-fitted running shoes with proper arch support, and compression socks will help your body perform at its optimal levels. Don’t wear yourself out pulling up ill-fitted socks or sweating through to many layers of clothing. Pay attention to the needs of your body, such as the ting in your side, the swelling in your ankle, or the blisters on your feet. Allow your body to have the support, rest, and recovery it requires. 

According to a 2014 study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, compression is excellent for muscle recovery. Compression socks improve the circulation of blood within the legs. By taking proper care of your feet, ankles, legs, and circulation, you’ll enjoy your training days even more. 

Combat training fatigue with these simple steps, and you’ll be ready to conquer the fall marathons of 2019. Of course, we know you don’t want to stop there, so here are 5 tips for running in the cold. 

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Compression Socks and Prevention 

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