
Raining? How to Get a Running Workout Indoors

Raining? How to Get a Running Workout Indoors

There are so many excuses to stop running. Not being able to get outside shouldn’t be one of them. Whether you are stuck indoors due to rain, snow, small children or long work hours, there are ways to complete a running workout. Following is a list of indoor workouts that don’t require stepping on a treadmill. 

This circuit from alternates between running-inspired cardio moves and resistance exercises. Your body won’t even notice you aren’t out running the trail. It’s quiet enough that you can sneak it in during your toddler’s nap time. Do each interval once for a 25-minute cardio session or double it up and add a cool down for a solid hour of training. 

This 30-minute indoor circuit workout requires minimum equipment and some extra space. If it’s raining outside, push your couch and coffee table to the sides of the room and start by jogging in place.  This one is full of high knee sprints, burpees, planks and more. It will boost your heart rate, sculpt your body and help you overcome any training plateau with which you’re struggling. To ramp this indoor circuit up, simply use heavier dumbbells and medicine balls or increase repetitions.  

Running outside isn’t always safe. Maybe it’s due to weather, your work schedule, the neighborhood, or the time of day. Whatever the reason, don’t give up on your running goals! Get creative instead. RunnersWorld outlines different types of cardio cross-training workouts that you can participate in when it’s impossible to get outdoors. From Spinning classes to deep-water running programs, there is a solution that is right for you. 

If you are training for speed and endurance PhalabFitness has a 10-20-30 indoor running interval training that offers short intervals and a no rest cardio workout. It will get you sweating in no time, no matter how much snow is on the ground outside. 

Have you considered runner-friendly yoga for your rainy day workouts? Yoga is a great way to help prevent shin splints, knee problems, and relieve ankle, knee and back pain. You can add these yoga moves to your cooldown as well. Adding yoga in as a regular component of your running routine will help to lengthen and loosen your muscles, decreasing the chances for injury and alleviating pain. 

A quick workout when you are short on time is to jump rope. Warm-up with stretches and those yoga moves we just mentioned and then alternate between three moves. Do one minute of jumping rope followed by a minute of squats and then a plank hold. Repeat 15 times. You’ll work up a sweat and never have to leave your living room. 

When the rain just won’t stop, alternate between the above circuits, the treadmill, and a stationary bike. When on the bike mimic your run. If you train in intervals on the trail, then do so on the bike. Your body will be sweating and working just as hard on your fancy throw rug as it would on the pavement. Make sure you still dress the part. Wear shoes that offer good support, clothes that wick away the sweat and compression socks that keep the blood from pooling around your ankles. 

A rainy day or a blizzard doesn’t mean you should call it a day. So lace up your shoes, pull up your socks, and take the next step forward. When the sun comes back out, you’ll be ready for the trail.

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